Wednesday 6 July 2022

New Degree Press | Publish Your Book And Share it With the World

The Book Creators Program, which New Degree Press provides three times a year in April, August, and December, aids writers in creating a first draught work for five months.

New Degree Press | Publish Your  Book And Share it With the World

More than 1,000 first-time writers have gone through this process, which is based on the educational methodology of creation-based learning, and generated a publishable work that was accepted in 2021. Of these graduates, four were either winners or finalists for national book prizes.

What Is Our Goal For People

Our mission is to assist writers in producing publications they can be pleased to provide to readers. If more time or assistance is required, we will do all we can to maintain a high standard of quality.

The hybrid presale publishing approach used by New Degree Press gives writers the advantages of both conventional and independent publishing, as well as the strength of a community to support and magnify their work.

What Is Our Goal For People

Our method is built on a creation-based learning educational methodology. By publishing your book, we want to provide you with more control over the whole process as the book's author and owner. Our editors and staff will give you advice on how to develop an audience, deal with revisions, select a cover with the greatest impact created by professional book cover artists, give you insight into the copy editing and proofreading process, highlight the significance of professional layout, and put you in charge of your book launch and promotion.

You will have a book after the process that is on par with any professionally published book in terms of quality, and you will keep all of the rights and income.

Coaching and Resources for Success

During our sessions, we offer tips on how to make your social media profiles more effective, practice and use podcast interviews to expand your platform, use beta reader feedback to get more book reviews, and use a variety of other tools and resources to further develop and interact with audiences throughout the publishing process. We also make room for author circles, which are online gathering places for authors to interact, work together, and learn from their author coaches.

What are Expectations ?

No manuscript is flawless, therefore New Degree Press's Acquiring Editor Department evaluates first draught submissions to see whether a writer is ready to go on to the next stage or if they need further assistance, like a Developmental Editor.

What are Expectations ?

Less than 15% of unsolicited articles are typically accepted for publication. In contrast, over 50% of authors who take part in our Book Creators accelerator program and the Book Creators Program gain preliminary permission for publication. Most authors are still working on the structure of their books, and most unsolicited submissions need further assistance before being published.

What are Submission Guidelines for Everyone-

  • Doc, DocX, or PDF files are required.
  • File formatting requirements: 12-point Times New Roman, double spacing, and 1-inch margins.
  • Reprints and numerous simultaneous submissions are not permitted. The work you are submitting has to be your own.
  • We do not accept submissions that include explicit sex or graphic violence (e.g., glorification of violence, pornography)
  • The word count must range from 40,000 to 90,000. (hard low and high limits). Short stories, fiction collections, poetry collections, anthologies, and any form of collaborative works are not presently accepted.

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