Wednesday 4 January 2023

The Best Option for Publishing Books in United States | New Degree Press


IP Washington's New Degree Press is the best publisher for local artists. It is an independent publisher and distributor with an emphasis on empowering authors. We believe that a team that can work with you on every aspect of developing and promoting your big idea and tale, from idea to writing, creation, promotion, and distribution forms the basis of any good book. They consist of fellow writers and authors, readers, and a community of writers.. Our staff has helped thousands of authors as their works have advanced from the initial stages of conception and production to being sold in bookshops and online.

New Degree Press

New Degree Press' hybrid presale publishing strategy is well-positioned to offer both traditional and self-publishing benefits. We provide authors with top-notch publishing and distribution services in which you keep all royalties, intellectual property rights, and creative control.

Our staff has helped thousands of authors to get their books from the first phases of conception and production to the shelves of bookstores and digital shops.

It is dedicated to empowering authors as owners. More than 800 authors have been associated with New Degree Press to this point, many of whom have received press and media attention from Newsweek, the Washington Post, USA Today, and numerous other media outlets.

With New Degree Press, We put impact over profit since we are a public benefit corporation, or B Corp (certification pending). Accessibility, education, community, and equity are the foundations of that influence


Everyone in the New Degree Press community has the ability to produce books and assist the larger publishing industry. We prioritize financial, logistical, and coaching accessibility before personal gain.


New Degree Press was first established as a development of the university press model, and  now we base our workflow on a "creation-based learning" methodology. Our objective is to teach every step of the publishing process in order to convey the experience of publishing (prelaunch, revisions, cover design, layout, marketing, and printing).

New Degree Press


According to us, community is where writing, storytelling, and publishing begin. The foundation of what we do is community.

  • Through pre-selling their book, we assist each author in creating and energizing their network.

  • Our procedure is driven by the community. As they edit their manuscripts and release their work, we assist authors in communicating directly with their audiences.

  • When authors publish their work, the launch and marketing are driven by the community.

  • After they publish, our authors receive assistance from the 800-plus authors in our active post-launch community and alumni network.


Ques.1 How can we say that New Degree Press is the best publisher?

Ans. Because it is an independent publisher and distributor dedicated to empowering authors. New Degree Press' hybrid presale publishing strategy is well-positioned to offer both traditional and self-publishing benefits. We provide authors with top-notch publishing and distribution services.

Ques.2 New Degree Press is located at?

Ans. It is located at IP Washington, United states.


At New Degree Press, all original work and rights to derivative works belong to the authors. We aid in the creation, distribution, and sale of their books. When they publish, our authors take full ownership of their creations and receive all royalties as well as earnings from book sales. Additionally, we link global creators from all walks of life and give a voice to people who previously believed it was impossible to have their work published.

Thursday 22 December 2022

Top 5 Benefits of Publications in IP Washington with New Degree Press

 At IP Washington , New Degree Press is the best publisher for local artists. It is an independent publisher and distributor with an emphasis on empowering authors. A team that can work with you on every aspect of developing and promoting your big ideas and story and from idea to writing to branding the  book creation, promotion, and distribution.  We believe to be at the heart of any good book: a community of fellow writers and authors, a community of readers, and a team. Our staff has helped thousands of authors as their works have advanced from the initial stages of conception and production to being sold in bookshops and online.

New Degree Press

As you know, New Degree Press is the best Publisher in Washington. Without any hassle do your publications and distributions easily. Here are several Benefits for the publications with New Degree Press:


 Traditional Publishing:

Most people take this path in the hopes of someday getting a job at one of the renowned publishers (Penguin Random House, Harper Collins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, etc.) and its several diverse imprints. While traditional publishing pays for the costs of book production, they also retain ownership of the book's copyright and a sizable portion of any future book sales.



It's now simpler than ever for authors to sell their books online, including paperback and eBook copies, thanks to Amazon's self-publishing services. The big question is whether or not you will produce a high-quality final product, even though you can do this with very little money up front.


New Degree Press

 Hybrid Publishing:

NewDegree Press (NDP) has an interesting model where they support an author to crowd-source funding for book production costs and publishing the book, but doesn’t take a slice of any book sales post-publication and the author retains full control of the book.


Vanity Publishing:

This option is for those who have the financial resources to handle all of the fees associated with publishing a book and are prepared to pay upfront out-of-pocket to do so.



Enjoy Affordable and easy publications with New Degree Press in IP Washington. All intellectual property rights of the works of our authors are always theirs at New Degree Press. While they create, publish, and promote their books, we provide support. Since they are the rightful owners of their creations, our authors receive all royalties (as well as profits from book sales) when they publish. Additionally, we encourage people who once thought it was impossible to publish their work and connect global creative from various backgrounds.


Question/ Answering:

Ques.1. What is New Degree Press?

Ans. New Degree Press is an Independent Book Publisher that is recognized by hybrid publishing houses focused on empowering authors as owners.

 Ques.2 . Where is it located?

Ans.   New Degree Press is the top publication that is located in IP Washington.

Ques.3. What are Traditional Publications?

Ans. Traditional publishing is when your book is released by a well-known publishing house (typically situated in New York), which employs a staff of experts to handle the book's design, sales, marketing, and several other publishing-related tasks.



Saturday 17 December 2022

Top New Degree Press Publication in Washington


New Degree Press is a publisher for creators that are located on IP Washington. With a focus on empowering authors, New Degree Press is an independent publisher and distributor. A team that can work with you on every aspect of developing and promoting your big idea and story, from idea to writing to branding to book creation, promotion, and distribution, is what we believe to be at the heart of any good book: a community of fellow writers and authors, a community of readers, and a team. Thousands of authors have benefited from our team's assistance as their works have progressed from the first stages of creation and production to be available in bookstores and online.

New Degree Press

The hybrid pre-sale publishing approach used by
 New DegreePress is ideally situated to provide both traditional and self-publishing advantages. We offer first-rate publishing and distribution services to authors; you retain creative control, intellectual property rights, and all royalties.

Thousands of authors have benefited from our team's assistance in taking their works from the first stages of creation and production to the shelves of bookstores and digital aisles.

We are a Publishing and Writing Community

With New Degree Press, It is helpful for the authors to energize their current network to increase platform momentum and disseminate their ideas globally. We see the world as a place where the accessibility, education, equity, and partnerships that empower the creative are brought about by our activities. The things we produce and how we collaborate as a community give the world its essence. We still have work to do, but everyone can contribute to the world's progress by building a community and reading a book at a time.


We're Authors With A Vision

 People who want to have a creative effect on their networks, communities, and lives. They are storytellers, startup entrepreneurs, coaches, and future leaders whether they realize it or not.

New Degree Press

We back Outstanding Books in Any Genre

 We highlight the voices of the underrepresented and publish works of nonfiction, genre fiction, poetry, essay collections, and memoirs that address significant social topics. These books emphasize the great ideas that energize and excite us as well as the techniques and lessons that help us act wisely.

The hybrid pre-sale publishing approach used by New Degree Press is ideally situated to provide both traditional and self-publishing advantages. We offer first-rate publishing and distribution services to authors; you retain creative control, intellectual property rights, and all royalties.

 All of this, while taking part in a vibrant, encouraging, and involved author community (who will often become lifelong friends and collaborators).



 At New Degree Press, all intellectual property rights to our authors' work are always theirs. We support them while they write, publish, and market their books. Our authors receive all royalties (as well as earnings from book sales) when they publish because they are the owners of their work. Additionally, we link global creators from a variety of backgrounds and support individuals who previously believed it was impossible to publish their work


Thursday 17 November 2022

New Degree Press | Follow These Simple Steps to Promote Your Book

Think back to the last time you visited a bookstore. How did you choose the book you're now reading? You likely gave the front cover, back cover, and interior of the jacket, in addition to your favorite spots, a quick scan. If you look around the store, everyone else is choosing books in the same way. The surgery is finished in two to five seconds.

New Degree Press | Follow These Simple Steps to Promote Your Book

New Degree Press Claims that If you are self-publishing, you might be tempted to economize on certain elements of the book production process. Self-publishers can benefit greatly from studying how people select books in bookstores. The title and cover art are two aspects of self-publishing that shouldn't be done on a tight budget.

Give yourself enough time to choose the best cover artist for your book. If you do an online search for "book cover design," you may come across a huge number of businesses and freelance designers who provide professional cover design services. Browse their galleries and any previously published work at your leisure. After choosing the person you wish to work with, find their contact information on their website and ask when they are available. Many of those are built using pre-made templates. You're giving this work everything you've got. You, your book, and the world deserve better.

If you want your book to sell successfully, the title must be a hit on the market. When they initially came published, many famous and immensely successful works went by other names.

Most likely, as a self-publisher, you lack the resources required to carry out the market research that large publishers perform on their works. The following advice is provided until you can afford to conduct market research:

New Degree Press | Follow These Simple Steps to Promote Your Book

According to New Degree Press, Few titles are challenging, thus shorter titles are preferred. Have you ever thought about how the titles in the list above only have four words?

The title must have a pleasing tone. Did you notice how all four of the aforementioned book names contain alliteration?

The tiles up top can also be utilized to conjure up feelings or visuals in the mind.

No matter how wonderfully written a book is, it won't matter if no one reads it. To increase the likelihood that people will buy your book, choose a fantastic cover artist and title.

Strategy for Marketing Books

New Degree Press | Strategy for Marketing Books

A book marketing plan might help you pinpoint your target audience. Your book's target audience is already present and eager to read it. It's up to you to find that audience and approach them. Making a marketing plan will force you to do market research, which will help you understand your target market better. Market research may be used to create a customer avatar. A customer avatar is a fictional person you identify as your target customer, or, in this case, the person you want to sell your books to.

By utilizing our book marketing plan, you can keep your marketing priorities in mind. You did understand what you read. Your marketing plan will help you stay focused on your present objective, which is to promote your book. The job of marketing is vital. The truth is that if you don't learn how to promote your book, you won't sell any books.


Working as a writer is less complicated than working in the book-selling sector. To grow your business, you must advertise your current catalog to new clients while also publishing more books. It's an endless task. Even though we'd all rather spend our days writing and creating, we still need to promote our books to readers since there are hundreds of new novels published every day and readers are always ready to check out the most recent addition.

Saturday 29 October 2022

New Degree Press | What is Self-Publishing and do You Need It?

What is keeping you from realizing your dream of writing for a publication? The option of self-publishing is strongly advised. An eBook may be created for absolutely no money, and publishing one is considerably simpler than most people realize.

New Degree Press | What is Self-Publishing and do You Need It?

Here are four fantastic advantages to publishing your book on your own:

You can make more money

New Degree Press Claims Even if a conventional publisher agrees to release your work, going it alone will bring in more money. Everything depends on the proportion of royalties you may make, and if you self-publish, you can make far more than the 12% to 20% a traditional publisher could give you (between 30% and 70%). Additionally, you may even retain 100% of the royalties for eBooks that you sell and distribute yourself.

Sometimes it's the only way

Self-publishing could be the only option for aspiring non-fiction writers to get their work seen by readers. Not because your book is flawed; rather, most traditional publishers don't anticipate making enough money from works they deem "too specialized" or with a limited enough market of prospective customers. However, even with cheap publication expenses, there is still a sufficient amount of profit for the author. In addition, authors don't just want their novels published for the sake of making money from book sales.

New Degree Press | What is Self-Publishing and do You Need It? | Speed


By New Degree Press Within a few days after it has been written, polished, and structured properly, your book might be offered for sale to readers. You could have to wait months or even years for your book to be out if you work with established publishers. Today, your ability to reply swiftly is the only factor that slows down the publication of your work, not the publishing business.

Greater control

When you opt to self-publish your writing, you have more control over the result, from the front cover's visuals to the methods and venues you select for book promotion. You get to decide what to do. In cases when you are hesitant, you can still consult an expert, but in the end, you make the decision.

Gateway to more opportunities

You get immediate authority and an increased reputation when you publish a book. Speaking engagements, coaching, and consulting possibilities become available as a result. Author of nonfiction? Why not create an online course based on your book? Many instructors struggle to write engaging content or organize their course materials in a way that learners can readily understand. You're several steps ahead if you already own a book. The course's foundation and structure are provided by the table of contents, and each chapter may be made into a standalone module. If you take advantage of just one of these possibilities, your book may quickly generate more cash than just royalties from a variety of sources.

New Degree Press | Quicker publishing

Quicker publishing

According to New Degree Press, Within weeks of finishing their manuscripts, self-publishing authors may have their works published and available for purchase. The time it takes for traditional publication to reach the market might range from 18 to 24 months.

Increased royalties

Depending on whether your book is a paperback, hardback, or eBook, authors who publish traditionally often get between 12 and 20% in book royalties. Self-published eBooks have a 60–70% royalty potential. When sold directly to readers, printed books can make up to 50% of their cost.

Increase credibility

You may prove you have what it takes to succeed as an author on your own by self-publishing a book. Many writers have attracted the attention of established publishing firms by using their popularity as independent authors.

Friday 14 October 2022

New Degree Press | Why You Should Read Buying Guides

Some consumers choose not to read buying guidelines before purchasing a good or service. They thus have a tremendously difficult time selecting the ideal goods. In reality, a lot of people acquire items that cannot satisfy their demands. Because they have many advantages, buying guidelines are crucial to reading. We'll look at a few reasons in this brief post why you should read purchasing guides before making a purchase.

New Degree Press | Why You Should Read Buying Guides

They Provide Enough Information

By the New Degree Press Buying guides provide a wealth of factual details on how to get and utilize a certain product. Users and workers of a business or firm can both benefit from the information provided in a guide.

In addition to this, the knowledge of these guidelines might assist you in using a product correctly. A product's life might be drastically shortened or damaged if it is used improperly. Additionally, you could be wounded if the product is a risky machine.

New Degree Press | Why You Should Read Buying Guides | They facilitate minimizing harm

They facilitate minimizing harm

You might be able to lower the possibility of causing damage to your goods if you adhere to the advice provided in these articles. As a result, the cost of doing the repairs won't be high. You don't need to engage a professional to teach you how to utilize the product you bought because these tutorials are available for free.

They Promise Individual Security

As Per New Degree Press, The ability to prevent mishaps when using a product is yet another fantastic advantage of reading purchase guidelines. Many different machines create heat, powerful lasers, or high voltage. If you don't know how to operate these devices, you risk being hurt.

In addition, buying guides provide a wealth of legal counsel that can shield you and your staff from legal repercussions.

New Degree Press | Why You Should Read Buying Guides | They promote time and energy savings

They promote time and energy savings

It is crucial to conserve time and energy in this day and age so that we can complete our daily tasks as well as our other obligations. When using a machine for the first time, reading purchase manuals might help you avoid misunderstanding.

According to New Degree Press, They, therefore, allow you lots of time to prepare and install a certain item. You may use the product without asking anyone for instructions. Additionally, these manuals save engineers and salespeople a tonne of time by eliminating the need to teach each client how to utilize the device they just bought. They also assist users in making the most of their purchases. They may use the product to its maximum potential in this way.

They Assist in Learning About a Company's Integrity

Before requesting a quote, consumers frequently want to learn as much as they can about the product they want. Therefore, reading buying guidelines is the only method to determine whether a firm is trustworthy.

Thursday 29 September 2022

New Degree Press | Getting Your Book Published: 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Publisher

One of the most important issues an author must deal with is how to have their work published. Do you handle it yourself or do you pitch a publication a plan? In this post, which is one in a series on publishing your book, we go through the advantages of working with a professional publisher. Ten reasons are listed below why you would want to have one on your side:

New Degree Press | Getting Your Book Published: 10 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Publisher

The publisher knows the Business

As Per New Degree Press, Experience is important in the publishing industry. From the planning that goes into preparing your book, providing editorial assistance, cover design, prices, timeliness, and other variables authors take for granted, publishers know what works. They also assist authors in staying on course to accomplish their objectives.

The publisher knows the Market

Publishers frequently focus on certain markets. They have extensive knowledge of such markets. They remain current with market changes and consumer preferences. They are aware of the best places to obtain leverage for your book and how to access those markets.

The publisher has book distribution Expertise

How are you intending to distribute your book? Most publishers have long-standing connections with significant distributors and book chain stores. To give your book the most possible exposure, they know how to get it into these distribution channels.

New degree Press | The publisher knows the Pitfalls

The publisher knows the Pitfalls

According to New Degree Press, In publishing, there are so many potential problems. A certain book may not be appropriate at this time. The publisher controls the quantity of stock sent to wholesalers and is realistic about the number of books to print to prevent returns. Additionally, publishers consider whether or not similar publications are now available or soon to be released, as well as the potential sales effects.

The publisher knows if your book is any good and if there is a market for it

Publishers are fairly knowledgeable about the viability of your novel. Yes, they will have approved your book proposal, but they also have some sense of the book's potential commercial success based on their prior experience. They are aware of their limitations. They start modestly to gauge the market before committing to greater print runs.

The publisher has a vested interest in seeing you be Successful

A publisher will hire you because they believe that if you succeed, they will also prosper. The bottom line is what matters most. If your book isn't successful, you won't be kept on as a writer. As a result, you will be expected to assist them in making you successful by following your editor's advice and attending speaking engagements and book signings.

Most of the expenses are covered by the publisher

The cost of having your book published and into the market is assumed by the publisher. They could pay you some sort of advance based on anticipated sales if they truly like your book. Alternatively, you could not get paid until there are sales. Additionally, they assume liability for any expenditures paid if your book is a commercial failure.

New Degree Press | Publisher provides expert Editing

Publisher provides expert Editing

By the New Degree Press, Any book you read will include the author thanks to editors in the credits. A book is improved by good editors. Because they are so familiar with their works, authors sometimes overlook or are oblivious to a weak storyline or characters that do not uphold their morals. Editors point out these mistakes to the author so that they may fix them and make their work better.

The publisher has experts to design the book cover

It is common knowledge that a book's cover may have a significant impact on sales. Expert cover designers work for publishers either in-house or as independent contractors.

Better positioned to get your book reviewed is the publisher

Positive reviews may significantly enhance book sales. Receiving a book review is one of the difficulties self-published writers experience. These authors typically lack contacts and are unknown. Established publishers are aware of the reviewers they want for a specific book and how to obtain those reviews.

It's not always simple to decide whether to self-publish your book or work with a reputable publisher. We've outlined some of the primary justifications for choosing a publisher. One significant advantage of being signed by a publisher is that the tasks associated with self-publishing are handled for you. You can concentrate on the task at hand, which is creating the finest possible book.

The Best Option for Publishing Books in United States | New Degree Press

  IP Washington's New Degree Press is the best publisher for local artists. It is an independent publisher and distributor with an emp...